
Freeload Limited Warranty

All Freeload® products are warranted against defects in materials and workmanship for five years from the date of retail purchase of the product, subject to the limitations detailed below. This limited warranty is expressly limited to the repair or replacement of the original product, at the option of Freeload Limited, and is the sole remedy of the warranty. This limited warranty applies only to the original purchaser of the Freeload® product and is not transferable.

In no event shall Freeload Ltd be liable for any loss, inconvenience or damage, whether direct, incidental or consequential or otherwise resulting from breach of any express or implied warranty or condition, of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or otherwise with respect to this product except as set forth herein.

This warranty does not cover the following:

Damage due to incorrect assembly, or follow-up maintenance or lack of skill, competence or experience of the user or assembler. (NOTE: correct assembly procedures are outlined step-by-step in the product instructions)
Products that have been modified, neglected, used in competition or for commercial purposes, misused or abused, involved in accidents or anything other than normal use.
Damage or deterioration to the structure, components, surface finish, aesthetics or appearance of the product or the bicycle the product is fitted to.
Normal wear and tear.
Labour required to remove and/or refit and re-adjust the product within the bicycle assembly.

For any inquiries regarding this warranty please contact us here.
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